This summer, I looked for information on housekeeping from previous eras and found info from the 1940's, the 1960's and the 1980's. So, I pulled out a few choice passages to share with you. It's always good to get a little different perspective from time to time.
America's Housekeeping Book compiled by New York Herald Tribune Home Institute
copyright, 1941, by Charles Scribner's Sons
"Chapter XXXIII Special Laundering Problems
Infected Handkerchiefs
In this day and age, the problem of infected handkerchiefs should be non-existent. Soft white or delicately colored tissues that can be thrown away after use are cheap enough so that nearly every sufferer of a common cold or sinusitis may use them freely. Cloth handkerchiefs are becoming more ornamental in thier function every day, and we may count this fact among our blessings.
However, if the problem does exist, here is the way to treat it:
1. Soak the handkerchiefs in a salt solution for half an hour, then rinse in clear cold water.
2. Launder in hot suds; wring out. Bring fresh suds to a boil and boil the handkerchiefs 10 minutes. Rinse several times in hot water.
3. Hang in the sun to dry if possible."
"Chapter XXV Spots and Stains
Your chances for removing a spot or stain successfully are much greater if you act quickly. Time is against you, because a stain may actually change in composition as it dries. Exposure to air and light affect its characater also. If you wait too long you may find that any treatment poweful enough to remove the stain will remove the fabric as well.
Never launder a stained piece of fabric unless you are sure that soap and water or the heat of ironing will not "set" it beyond hope of removal.
Unless you know what caused the stain and what type of fabric you are dealing with, don't try to remove the stain youself. Take it promptly to a reliable dry cleaner instead. An unsuitable reagent may "set" the stain or destroy the fabric, so beware.
Never forget to rinse all reagents from the fabric with great thoroughness, or the fiber may be attacked." (that's my girl!! rinse with great thoroughness)
"Certain cautions must be observed if spot and stain removal is done at home:
1. NEVER use highly flammable solvents such as gasoline, benzine, naphtha, etc., for spot removal. The appalling total of deaths and injuries caused by explosions every year should be warning enough, but unfortunately many women believe that it is safe to use these solvents if they use them outdoors. They forget that friction from rubbing can generate a spark, all that is needed to set off an explosion. Never use gasoline, except as fuel for an automobile. And never use benzine or naphtha for any household purpose.
2. Non-flammable solvents such as carbon tetracholoride may be used but even with these, precautions are necessary, because the fumes are poisonous:
a. Use only in small quantity.
b. Work in a well-ventilated room.
c. Keep bottle stoppered while working.
3. Some reagents are poison. Label them clearly as such, and keep them in a safe place well out of the reach of children."
Then the text goes on to suggest...
"To remove food grease, scrape off excess with dull knife or spatula. Sponge with carbon tetra-chloride; launder. Grease from automobile, road oil, etc, scrape off excess with dull knife or spatula. rub lard into spot until no more grease is picked up. Scrape off lard; launder.
For coffee, fruit and berry stains - stretch stained portion of fabric over bowl, fasten with elastic band, pour boiling water through stain holding spout of kettle 2-3 feet above stain.
Grass and foliage stains - rub with heavy mix of suds using soft brush, if stain remains use chlorine bleach or hydrogen peroxide.
To remove iron rust - stretch fabric over bowl of steaming water, moisten stains with clear water, apply lemon juice with medicine dropper, rinse or sprinkle stain with salt, moisten with lemon juice and expose to direct sun light.
Lipstick or rouge - Sponge with carbon tetra-chloride; launder. If stain remains use chlorine bleach or hydrogen peroxide, using bowl method (see above) or pad method (see below). Stains from indelible lipsticks must be taken to expert dry cleaner even if fabric is washable." (indelible lipstick? were these women marking their territory?)
"Perspiration - Launder promptly. If color has changed, hold stain over bottle of ammonium hydroxide. If color is gone, nothing can be done. On whit material the following treatment may be used: add a few drops of ammonium hydroxide to hydrogen peroxide. Place stained material over bowl of steaming water. Apply solution with medicine dropper. Rinse. Repeat if necessary. Note: Reliable non-perspirants or dress shields do away with this problem. (the ammonium hydroxide is undiluted household ammonia)
The pad method:
1. Place stained fabric on an absorbent pad, spot side down, as for sponging. Change pad as soon as soiled.
2. Moisten stain with clear water, using a glass rod.
3. Apply the reagent, using another glass rod.
4. Follow with water, using original glass rod.
5. Apply neutralizing agent, if called for, using third glass rod.
6. Rinse thoroughly with clear water.
7. Repeat entire procedure if necessary.
Remember that several brief applications are safer and more effective than a single prolonged application."
For 1990's info on carbon tetra-chloride
The text lists the measurements to make up solutions in the correct strength for various stain removing tasks. Oxalic Acid Solution, Potassium Permanganate Solution and Sodium Thiosulphite Solution were made from these chemicals in crystal form and mixed with water and were available at drug or photographic supply shops. Each is to be "stored tightly in stoppered glass bottle. Label both crystals and solution POISON and store in a safe place, out of reach of children."
Pretty bizarre, eh? I will dismiss from my life the dangerous part of these procedures but I am glad to see the sunshine, salt and lemon recommended. Good for picnics, good for cleaning, too. See Summer Reading 1960's and Summer Reading 1980's in future posts. I'd love to read your comments.
May our actions this day be pleasing to our Grandmothers
And to our Grandfathers we are greatful
For it is upon their lives that our life unfolds...
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